The European Observatory on Homelessness (EOH) was set up in 1991 by FEANTSA to carry out transnational research on homelessness and housing exclusion.
The Observatory is made up of a core team of researchers from around Europe.
Its main outputs are the biannually published European Journal of Homelessness and the annual Comparative Study series. The EOH also organizes a European Research Conference every year which is attended by over 200 researchers from around the world.
The Observatory aims to:
- Facilitate the development of effective homelessness strategies and policies through a strong evidenced-based approach.
- Give international exposure to significant national, regional and local developments and provide a forum for comparative analysis of policy and practice in preventing and tackling homelessness in Europe.
- To stimulate debate on homelessness and housing exclusion at the European level.
- To assess the lessons for Europe, which can be derived from policy, practice and research from elsewhere.