Are we seeing everyone?
Watch our 6th webinar exploring how homelessness data is collected across Europe and how it can be improved to better reflect reality.

The discussion addressed the challenges of ensuring accurate and comparable data across countries and highlighted strategies to make data collection more inclusive, especially for the most vulnerable groups who are often overlooked.

Expert Speakers:

  • Dora Welker – Project Officer at FEANTSA, specialising in data on homelessness and housing exclusion in Europe.
  • Koen Hermans – Coordinator of the European Homelessness Counts project at KU Leuven.
  • Nana Mertens – Specialist in homelessness research for specific populations, with experience from KU Leuven and Belgian National Counts.
  • Lucy Campbell – Representative from the Single Homeless Project, discussing insights from the Women Rough Sleeping Census.