FEANTSA Flash June 2024

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Welcome back to the FEANTSA Flash!

The sunny weather that we have all been praying for in Brussels has finally arrived – with the office windows now left firmly open for those of us less acclimatised to this warm weather! What better way to make the most of it than by sitting down in the sunshine and reading the Flash? After all, this will be our last edition until the end of August - with the Flash team putting away their typewriters for the month of July in order to work on a whole host of other projects!

Coincidentally, one of these very projects will be to look at how the Flash can be improved! In order to do so, we would really love your input, feedback and suggestions on what you’d like to see included in the Flash going forward! Got some ideas? Make sure to send them through to us – information@feantsa.org

As always, we have lots of content for you this month – including a look at the 2024 FEANTSA Forum which took place last week in the beautiful city of Vienna! We’ll also catch up with the exciting array of projects and events that our EPOCH Practice team have planned over the coming months, whilst taking a glance at the brand-new edition of the FEANTSA Homeless in Europe Magazine – Spring edition