18th European Research Conference on Homelessness
12th-13th of September, 2024
Budapest, Hungary
VENUE: Central European University, Budapest
About the Conference
FEANTSA’s European Observatory on Homelessness, the Metropolitan Research Institute, and BMSZKI were pleased to host the 18th European Research Conference on Homelessness in Budapest, Hungary, on September 12th and 13th, 2024. As Europe’s leading research conference on homelessness, it explored recent evidence on the broad theme of homelessness and housing exclusion from across Europe and beyond. A special stream focused on data collection methods and ongoing national, regional, and local level counts. Early career researchers also had the opportunity to present their research activities.
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Keynote speakers
Bálint Misetics, Hungary, is a social policy expert whose work integrates research, advocacy, policy, and fieldwork. He is currently working for the Municipality of Budapest as the Senior Advisor to the Mayor on Housing and Social Policy, and serves as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at the Municipal Foundation for Social Policy. He was the author of the Municipality’s new strategy on homelessness which attempts to reframe homelessness as a housing problem.
Ruth Owen, Belgium, is Deputy Director at FEANTSA (European Federation of National Associations Working with the Homeless), where she had worked since 2011. She is an expert on homelessness and public policies to address it, notably in European contexts. She has a special interest in housing policy. Prior to working on homelessness, Ruth studied geography and worked as a teacher in London.
John Sylvestre, Canada, is a Full Professor in the School of Psychology and a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Research on Educational and Community Services, at the University of Ottawa. His interests lie in the study and evaluation of community mental health programs, with a particular interest in homelessness and poverty. His recent work focuses on community development and social change strategies in social housing.
Dorottya Szikra, HU Dorottya Szikra is Senior Researcher at the Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest, and Visiting Professor at the Department of Gender Studies, CEU Vienna. She is also associated with CEU Democracy Institute. Her main research field is welfare state and family policy development in Central and Eastern Europe. Between 2016 and 2020 she acted as the co-chair of the European Social Policy Analysis Network (ESPAnet).Since 2021 she has served as a member of the EC commissioned High-Level Group on the future of social protection and of the welfare state in the EU.
Planned Schedule
The conference will be held on Thursday and Friday, September 12th - 13th, 2024, starting at 13:00 on Thursday and closing at 17:00 on Friday, followed by a drinks reception. Optional field visits will be planned for Thursday morning. The conference dinner will be held on Thursday evening.
Venue and Fees
The sessions of the Conference will be held at the facilities of the Central European University in Budapest. The conference fee is 200 EURO (incl. meals and coffee breaks during the conference, including dinner). Presenters and PhD students pay a reduced fee of 100 EURO. Please sign up for the conference dinner and the special accommodation package (on a first come first served basis) upon registration from July 8th, 2024. A detailed cancellation policy will be announced on the registration page.
Field visits in Budapest - 11th September, 13h00-16h00
BMSZKI - Trauma-informed gynaecological service for homeless women (Symposium)
Field visits in Budapest - 12th September, 09h30-11h00
BMSZKI - Szabolcs street hostel and health center
BMSZKI - No Slum community housing project
Oltalom Charity Service – Low threshold complex and John Wesley Theological College
Field visits in Budapest - 12th September, 10h00-11h30
From Street to Home Association - Project visit
Main Programme - 12th September
Registrations (AULA) | 12h30-13h30
Plenary Session I (Room: Auditorium) | 14h00-15h15
Chair: Volker Busch-Geertsema, DE
Dorottya Szikra, HU: Illiberal Welfare States in the making
Bálint Misetics, HU: Understanding Homelessness: Housing and Capital
Seminar Session One | 16h00-17h30:
Seminar 1: Data Collection Methodologies I
Chair: Lars Benjaminsen, DK
Seminar 2: Fidelity of Housing First
Chair: Volker Busch-Geertsema, DE
Seminar 3: Understanding and Addressing LGBTQI+ Homelessness
Chair: Freek Spinnewijn, BE
Seminar 4: Representations and Perceptions
Chair: Masa Filipovic Hrast, SI
Magdalena Mostowska and Ewelina Biczyńska, PL: The Public Memorialization of Homeless Deaths
Seminar 5: Women’s Homelessness I
Chair: Isabel Baptista, PT
Dora Welker, HU: Shared Domestic Abuse Refuge in the Age of Housing First
Seminar 6: Housing Instability and Evictions
Chair: Nóra Teller, HU
Poster Session (Room: AULA) | 17h30-18h45
Focus session (Room: Auditorium): “Talk with us, not about us” | 17h30-18h00
Participation of people with lived experience of homelessness in housing activism and homeless services in 21th century Hungary.
Gyula Balog (HU), Katalin Gyöngyösi (HU), and discussion with colleagues with lived experience of the Hungarian “City is for All” housing advocacy group
Main Programme - 13th September
Poster Session (Room: AULA) | 09h00-09h30
Seminar Session Two | 09h30-11h00:
Seminar 7: Data Collection Methodologies II
Chair and discussant: Lars Benjaminsen, DK
Seminar 8: Implementation of Housing First
Chair: Volker Busch-Geertsema, DE
Caterina Cortese and Filippo Sbrana, IT: Housing First in Rome: a Community Project Experience
Seminar 9: Migration and Homelessness I
Chair: Mike Allen, IE
Seminar 10: Health and Homelessness
Chair: Nicholas Pleace, UK
Alex Bax, Theo Jackson, UK: Barometer of Homelessness and Inclusion Health
Seminar 11: Women’s Homelessness II
Chair: Masa Filipovic Hrast, SI
Seminar 12: Challenges of Designing Research Methods
Chair: Nóra Teller, HU
Zsolt Temesváry, CH: Data Collection Dilemmas Among Hard-to-Reach Homeless People: The Case of Eastern European Homeless Roma in Switzerland
Poster Session (Room: AULA) | 11h00-11h30
Seminar Session Three | 11h30-13h00:
Seminar 13: Data Collection Methodologies III
Chair: Lars Benjaminsen, DK
Seminar 14: Housing Systems and Homelessness
Chair: Nóra Teller, HU
Jan Weckwerth, DE: Precarious Housing as a Gateway into and out of Homelessness
Seminar 15: Migration and Homelessness II
Chair: Eoin O’Sullivan, IE
Chair: Mike Allen, IE
Seminar 17: Youth Homelessness I
Chair: Masa Filipovic Hrast, SI
Seminar 18: Reflections on Housing First
Chair: Freek Spinnewijn, BE
Poster Session (Room: AULA) | 13h00-14h00
Seminar Session Four | 14h00-15h30:
Seminar 19: Definitions of Home & Homelessness
Chair: Nicholas Pleace, UK
Seminar 20: Housing Transitions
Chair: Eoin O’Sullivan, IE
Krista Kosonen, FI: Transition from Supported Housing Unit to Scattered Site Housing
Seminar 21: Structural Challenges and Homelessness Strategies
Chair: Kjell Larsson, SE
Seminar 22: Welfare Arrangements and Homelessness
Chair: Volker Busch-Geertsema, DE
Gregg Colburn, US: Homelessness is a Housing Problem: How Structural Factors Explain U.S. Patterns
Seminar 23: Youth Homelessness II
Chair: Melanie Redman, CA (TBC)
Seminar 24: Dimensions of Homelessness
Chair: Masa Filipovic Hrast, SI
Plenary Session II (Room: AUDITORIUM) | 16h00-17h30
Chair: Volker Busch-Geertsema, DE
John Sylvestre, CA: Expert Perspectives on the Evolution of Housing First
Ruth Owen, BE: 15 Year's Work on Ending Homelessness in Europe: An Honest Assessment
Poster Presentations
Nasibeh Hedayati, FI: Migrants’ Pathways into Homelessness in Finland’s Capital Region
Noémi Vajdovich, HU: The Territorial Dimensions of Health Care System for Homeless People
Ida Nilsson, SE: Factors Associated with Self-Initiated Moves During the Formal Eviction Process
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